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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • Feel More Feminine With My Face Shape!
  • 2020-11-16 hit.17,715
  • Writer : Kim**

The motivation of the Surgery

I had braces because I just want to improve my masculine appearance. Even with braces, my appearance was not improved, and I was not satisfied with 100%, so I lost a lot of self-esteem. My acquaintances told me that I would have been more handsome if I had been born as a man. Above all, I decided to have surgery because I wanted to raise my self-esteem and create a feminine image.



Post OP 1 Day



Post OP 28 Days

My face is getting less swollen. It's so nice~~ I want to show off a feminine atmosphere. I'm looking forward to seeing my final result of the face.


Post OP 40 Days

Finally, it has been after a month from the surgery day! It's only a few days apart, and I can't believe my face is less swollen. It's so amazing. Also, I look good from the picture and also, my makeup style has been changed too! I'm excited


Post OP 3 Months

My face shape is getting much better. My appearance already so natural that it's just amazing. I'm looking forward to having a perfect face shape! I think I made such a right choice to do surgery at EU! I feel like I'm finally getting rid of my complex and confident in my appearance. These days, I'm confident in taking pictures.


Post OP 4 Months



Post OP 5 Months

I've lost a lot of weight these days, I've gotten prettier, and I've been listening to it a lot of compliment those days^^ It's only been five months, and I don't think I have any worries about swelling. I love to put on makeup!


Post OP 6 Months


Post OP 7 Months


Post OP 12 Months

After the surgery, I lost weight and the quality of my life changed a lot! After change my appearance I tend to spend more time taking care of my face and skin! I think I really became a woman after losing weight and do facial bone surgery. It's been a while since I wrote a review, and I'm surprised to see the pictures before surgery!




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